In-depth bottleneck analysis for scaling production
If a product’s market launch proves to be successful, brand owners often face the challenge of having to scale production quickly in order to meet demand. As part of our process development services, we conduct an in-depth bottleneck analysis first to identify current production constraints – all factors that slow production down.
Then, our team of experts names all production steps that can be automated and drafts an automation solution. An automated step may include replacement of manual labour with robots in manufacturing or automated assembly.
Manufacturing process optimization for higher quality, precision & efficiency
Apart from scaling production, process optimization may also be entirely cost-, efficiency- or quality-oriented. We are ready to re-design or fine-tune manufacturing processes in order to meet industry-specific cost, efficiency or quality requirements.
Our process optimization solutions usually affect all areas. For instance, installing a high-speed machine vision camera allows for a level and volume of quality control that wouldn’t be feasible with human labour.
In some cases, the need for process optimization may be brought about by sustainability. Some of our production lines feature an assembly robot that handles waste and collects sprues for recycling.